Connect and Grow with Central Coast Business Owners

Calling All Driven Central Coast Startups

and small Business Owners!

Grow your business with support, direction and connection. Saving you time, money and stress.

Unlock Your Business Potential And Create Meaningful Results Without Sacrificing Your Lifestyle.


With results like these :

‘Mandy has helped us with a huge change in growth in our business. We actually feel like we have a strategic plan and that we're headed in the right direction. And Mandy's made it actually a bit of fun. It’s great to  connect with some other awesome business owners and entrepreneurs locally’

‘It's so valuable to have someone who is experienced remove the guess work out. I am gaining so much more traction on my social platforms and have my event sold out very quickly. Thank you so much’

‘Mandy is trustworthy, and that's the most important component of any business relationship. You have to be able to trust the person that you're working with and believe that they have your best interests at heart’


Are you overwhelmed with having to deal with all the complications that come with building a brand?

Are you feeling isolated with the lack of connection in building your business?

Experience the joy of fostering real, in-person relationships with fellow Central Coast business owners, build the lifestyle you want, and become the successful business owner you can be!

Now, imagine

✔ A community where you get to experience the joy of fostering real, in-person relationships with fellow Central Coast business owners who share your values of community, connection, and collective success.

✔ A community that lets you access low-cost or no-cost local marketing strategies and collaborative exchanges, where you’ll see hands-free business growth like never before (and get hands-on guidance and support too).

✔ A community that guides and inspires you to reach your big business goals without burnout.

Well, you don’t have to “imagine” any longer. Because… it’s here.

Like you - I am an entrepreneur. And come from a big family of entrepreneurs.

I have grown 4 of my own businesses from the ground up. Nothing gives you better insight into understanding growth's key ingredients than doing it yourself. I've also worked in management roles across various sectors, honing my skills in marketing, sales, branding and events for marketing-leading companies such as Sumo Salad, Wellbeing @ Work Summits and Christie's, which provided many vital insights.

In the last 3 years, I have come full circle and have consulted & worked with hundreds of small businesses helping them grow and flourish. However, there are two things that I'm fiercely driven by: achieving results and wellbeing.


So, what exactly is in the REACH?

1️⃣ Onboarding Audit: Mandy conducts an audit to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your business communications across various channels.

2️⃣Initial Deep Dive Session with Mandy: This session utilizes Mandy's 20 years of experience in business and marketing, offering guidance tailored to your business growth, and creates a safe space for discussing your aspirations.

3️⃣Bi-Weekly Live Sessions: Facilitated by Mandy, these sessions offer a community to connect with other business owners, share insights, and receive intuitive business guidance. They include live Q&A, group coaching, and challenges for business improvement.

4️⃣Monthly Live Events on the Central Coast: Opportunities to meet, network, and share experiences with other business owners.

5️⃣Monthly Personal Check-In Calls: These calls with Mandy focus on motivation, support, and driving business growth.

6️⃣Quarterly Guest Speaker Sessions: Thought leaders deliver educational sessions to support and enhance your business knowledge.

7️⃣Facebook Group Access: A community to connect, collaborate, and communicate with other business owners in the Central Coast area.

Our members tell us that the REACH Community
got them to where they are, today!

Amela Kissun, Founder of The Heart Centred Book Keeper

"So it's beautiful having someone cheer you on, but also having that immense amount of value, knowledge, and experience that's able to provide the feedback to keep you on track."

Nikki Butterfield, Founder of Coastal Athleisure and Co & The Coastal Printing Co.

"I’ve been in her REACH membership for a year.  Mandy has been a lifesaver. Mandy knows her stuff, she has so much experience and she truly cares."

Rebecca Grainger, Founder of Triiyo

"Mandy has a unique ability to identify commercial opportunities, create effective branding and marketing strategies, and will always leverage a network to connect you with the right people. She's an absolute gun to work with, and I couldn't recommend her enough."

Bruce Swalwell, Founder of BSA Architecture

"I was introduced to Mandy Millan, a fantastic coach, and a business adviser. Mandy has been absolutely outstanding in assisting and introducing me to some clients through references. These are like-minded people who just want to do high-quality projects and I can't emphasize enough the assistance and direction Mandy has given me."

Ingrid Sjodahl, Founder of Ingrid Photography

"Mandy has helped me to gain clarity and strategy in my business and she has as well helped me push myself outside my comfort zone to tell my story online. I highly recommend Mandy to any business that likes that extra push to take your business to the next level."

Maree Del Casale, Founder of Stone Arc

“Mandy’s knowledge in marketing and communication is outstanding and we would highly recommend her if you're looking for a real point of difference.”

…And where would your life be if this were your story too?

REACH: Where Your Business Dreams Take Flight for Just $287/Month!


Transform your business and life with REACH! It's not just growth; it's a revolution in how you achieve your deepest aspirations. Immerse yourself in wisdom from decades of marketing and business brilliance. This journey is about more than sales; it's about shaping the life and dreams you desire.

As a REACH member, you join a powerhouse community that fuels your success at every level. Perfect for both seasoned entrepreneurs and rising stars, REACH is your gateway to thrive. Expect connections that catapult you, clients who share your vision, and a community that's like family.

This isn't just a community. It's a life-altering investment. With REACH, gain skills, networks, and lifelong relationships. Ready to soar with REACH?

Grow Your Business with Support, Direction and Connection. Saving you Time, Money and Stress

REACH Community

$ 287/ m (Just $71.75 a week)

  • Onboarding Audit
  • Initial Deep Dive Session with Mandy
  • Bi-Weekly Live Sessions
  • Monthly Check
  • Quarterly Guest Speaker Sessions
  • Quarterly Personal Check-In Calls
  • Quarterly Live Events on the Central Coast
  • Facebook Group Access
Unlock Your Business Potential and Create Meaningful Results Without Sacrificing Your Lifestyle

Hear From Mandy's Clients



✔ Jerry Kennard, CEO. Evoke Projects


✔ Kelli-Anne Kent, Owner Kelk Styling


✔ Camilla Thompson, MD. Select Wellness


✔ Naomi Swalwell Founder. House of Lacuna


 Rebecca, Founder Tryio


✔ Jackie Lee Wellington, Heart Space Salon


 Liz McDonald, Ssh Soul Healing


✔ Chibs Okereke, Stress Specialist


✔ Carol Vincent, GardenSoxx


✔ Amela Kissun, Bookkeeper


✔ Bruce Swalwell, BSA Architecture


 Adam Gavine, Back to Function


✔ Nat & Keira, Hera Performance

Here’s the BIG Question...

Are you poised to elevate your business, achieve crystal-clear clarity, and step into the life you've always envisioned? If you're nodding 'yes', then let's dive in and make it happen!"